5 great ways to find brand inspiration off-screen

5 great ways to find inspiration off-screen.

Social media is a great source of inspirations. No matter if you’re a designer, candle artisan, or you are a photographer, you probably know Pinterest. You may simply scroll down and save amazing ideas for the future, however there are other ways to get inspired. Explore 5 ways to find brand inspiration.

1. Get outside.

Think first about your business, brand, product or service. Specify what will be your focus point. It could be a texture, geometric shapes, botanical elements, shapes or colours in nature. With this in mind, simply get outside.

Example 1: Candle artisan with a botanical brand. You’re searching for a new botanical element for the new collection. Your destination might be a park, a meadow or a forest. There you’ll find flowers and plant shapes.

Example 2: You’re looking for inspiration for a dynamic, edgy skincare brand for young adults. Your focus could be billboards or modern architecture shapes.

Go outside to the area of your focus. It could be a city or a meadow. Observe the elements while taking a relaxing walk. Take pictures and remember to add a note about why you like it.

5 great ways to find inspiration off-screen.

2. Read books which are related to your brand’s mission.

It doesn’t need to be strictly business related literature to gain knowledge, and add a value to your brand. You can explore more psychological, anthropology or sociological aspects of your brand. Perhaps a poem could be an inspiration.

Example 1: If You’re a landscape, nature photographer who is focused on catching nostalgic moments in nature, how about reading some poems about nature. A more specific title might be ‘The Hidden Life of Trees’ about how trees are communicating.

Example 2: You’re preparing to create a candle business and your concept is to explore aromatherapy. What about reading books about how to relieve the stress?

The books related to your brand mission will expand your knowledge. You can use quotes and show your audience your passion and commitment.

3. Visit shops and see yourself how your competitors branding works.

You’re able to see in person how a business similar to yours presents itself by simply visiting their store. This gives you the opportunity to find ready solutions for your business. Make notes on how you feel in the place, how they arrange the products. Is there a specific smell in a shop or music ? These are all elements of branding.

Example 1: You’re about to open an organic coffee shop, and you’re at the final branding stages. Find coffee shops which are prospering well, and share similar values, and see what actually works.

Example 2: You’re a candle maker, but you’re selling online. Find an artisan candle shop, and see how they pack the products, is there a signature scent highlighted on a shelf? You can highlight yours online as well.

Apart from ideas, this experiment gives you the feeling of branding importance. In a well branded place, you’ll find that everything works together. Even if you’re selling online, you can still create an authentic, integrated brand.

5 ways to find brand inspiration

4. Art gallery.

Museums and galleries are a great place to look for colour inspiration. There are many places where you can explore art from ancient to modern times. Pick the right exhibition based on your brand style, take notes and pictures.

Example 1: When creating a luxury stationery brand with a dreamy vibe, check the impressionists paintings. They’re full of pastels, and toned bright colours.

Example 2: If you’re creating a streetwear brand with a bold, edgy style, check the abstract exhibitions. See how bold shapes and colours are working with each other.

5. Sketch and create mind map

Nothing can replace a quick sketch and a mind map. While creating a project you’ve a lot of words and images in your head and that can be overwhelming. Write it all down and sketch it out. Then create a mind map with your project core in the centre, and associated words and images.

Example 1: If You’re creating a new collection, put the core description of it in the middle. Then follow up with next associations: botanical design > flowers> tulips

Example 2: Experiment with shapes by sketching quickly your vision. Edgy, dynamic look — triangles, rectangle, corners, soft, calming, delicate — oval, circle, linear organic lines.

It will be much easier to search for inspirations with a mind map and quick sketches.

sketches and mind map

6. Conclusion / Summary

While the social media are great in searching for ideas, sometimes spending a lot of time in front of the screen may be overwhelming. Going outside and looking around could bring new observations. I hope these methods will give you a new, fresh ways to get the inspiration.

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